MN Senate Race, MN GOP Senate, News

Victory Statement

Royce White’s 2024 Minnesota Republican Primary Victory Statement

Published: August 13th, 2024 – 10 pm

I thank every Minnesotan who voted in tonight’s primary election. I’m deeply honored to have your support during this critical time in our nation’s history. 


For many years, Republicans have talked about expanding our tent and focusing on the Twin Cities Metro. I am committed to growing the base, bringing disenfranchised Democrats into the tent, and unifying all conservatives in Minnesota. By doing this, we will deliver a victory for President Trump in November. Together we will bring the battle to unseat Amy Klobuchar.


You, my supporters, have stayed with me despite great pressure and relentless attacks from the fake news media dominating our public discourse. We are the last line of defense for our citizenship and freedom, and against the odds, tonight we held that line. 


We now set our sights on the general election and the essential task of defeating Amy Klobuchar. Ms. Klobuchar is a lifelong politician who has benefited from discord among conservatives and moderates in this state for too long. I will be a unifying candidate, and our unification must be around the right set of ideas. 


We must unify with a sense of urgency. Those who’ve watched this campaign so far know I am brash, unapologetic, and intense in my convictions, and I believe that’s exactly what our party and this country needs at this moment. It is what our children need right now if they have any hope of enjoying the life and liberty that are the promise of this nation. 


We must fight like never before! Those 200,000+ Republicans that didn’t vote in 2022? I will earn their votes. Those working class Blacks and Hispanics in the metro area and beyond? I will convince them to vote and earn their votes. 


Anyone who will listen to sanity and reason, I plan to earn their votes. I hope you will join me to save our great state of Minnesota and this Republic.


Again, thank you Minnesota. My heart is warmed by your patriotism and your support. My battle axe is sharpened and aimed at the road ahead. 

Victory Begets Victory

Precinct Strategy

Free Steve Bannon

The People Are Coming! 



Royce Alexander White

Future U.S. Senator of Minnesota
