MN GOP Senate, MN Senate Race, Politics, Social Media

ROYCE WHITE FOR SENATE – Frequently Asked Questions


Tomorrow is the 2024 primary election here in Minnesota, and as always, there are questions that come up frequently about candidates. Mine is no different, although most of the questions around my candidacy stem from the personal attacks from my opponents, detractors, and mainstream media. Rarely am I questioned on policy. Which you all, the voters I view as a strength of my campaign and the most significant credential for me to represent you. However I do not see the personal and human element as completely irrelevant to politics either. So we’ve de used to address the most controversial frequently asked questions below. 

 Back Child Support:

When I was 21 years old, I was court ordered to pay child support based on an NBA salary, as newly drafted NBA rookie and deem responsible for that salary even after being released from my team and no longer receiving that salary. The Minnesota family court statutory law, doesn’t allow for arrears to be modify by the court under any circumstances, even if evidence can show the calculation was based on inaccurate information. 

Campaign Finance Violations:

My 2022 confessional campaign was the first political campaign I was ever apart of, where I relied on political and legal professionals to handle certain aspects of the campaign, such as accounting and treasure. Miscommunications took place and my FEC filings had missing information. This led to my liberal, political opponents, in the fake news media, using these incomplete reports to claim I had PERSONALLY misused the funds. After a forensic account done of the 2022 campaign, the original $157,000 the fake news media accused me of misleading was mostly accounted for. After 2 years of having to go back and retroactively find materials for certain purchases, about $13,000 was left unaccounted for. Which ultimately falls on the candidate by default to reimburse, whether I made the purchases or not. Still a far cry difference from the $157,000 claim made by left leaning think takes, legal groups and media outlets. One in particular (The Daily Beast) suggested that over $100,000 dollars in “mysterious wires and checks” was used personally. Upon forensic audit and resubmitting amended FEC reports, all of the checks and wires were accounted for with receipts and invoices, none of which were transferred to or spent by me. 

Black Lives Matter & George Floyd:

I was never apart of the Black Lives Matter organization nor do I agree with their politics. After George Floyd died, A group of Black athletes from the Twin Cities area were disappointed with the violence and chaos breaking out in our community. In response we decided to lead some peaceful protests to demonstrate what we believed was the appropriate to participate in the civil process. I was one of the architects and thought leaders of that organization. Completely independent of the local Black Matter Live Matter organization, we led almost a dozen peaceful protests, that included tens of thousands of people and never resulted in a single fire, fight or arrest. These were the peaceful demonstrations the mainstream media didn’t really show. They did how ever profile me as a rising Black activist, until they realized my organization wasn’t in total alignment with the left’s political agenda. For example, I led these protests to The Minneapolis Federal Reserve to educate people about economic policy and banking. Also, we were huge 2nd amendment advocates which saw a number of citizens exercise open carry rights often in the form of informal security. Also, we never had marches at the police precinct. As a thought leader I continued to tell citizens don’t be distracted by policing, we have much bigger issues.

This lie, that I’m a BLM protestor or rioter stems from ignorance and fear. Used by the media to sow division and discord. The goal is to tarnish my America First, Conservative Populist brand or image and serve as an example that MAGA or Republicans will reject Black candidates. I encourage all conservatives to consider and understand everyone who wore a BLM t-shirt isn’t involved with their offices organization and ever further more, reject many of the organizations policies and ideas. Mainly, the LGBTQ agenda which has been at the heart of the BLM organization from the very beginning, without many Black Americans realizing it. The friction between Black people in America who see policing could use some improvements and the individuals or organizations using it as a springboard for the LGBTQ political agenda, now reflects the rising support for Donald J. Trump among Black voters such as Black men. Who now poll for him in 2024 at over 50%. In order to win, we must work to demystify the Republican Party, Conservatism and MAGA to citizens who also believe in freedom, self-governance and God. This is work I began after George Floyd died and continue with going forward. 


On a number of occasions now, the mainstream media and even some political organizations, have accused me of being antisemitic. I reject this accusation and further I resent it. As a born and raised Christian, any inference that I hold some inherent hostility towards Jews is absurd. In fact, it is my Christian heritage that gives me confidence to speak on a culture and history of fellow brothers and sisters. As Christ said, first for the Jew, then for the gentile. I am, however, willing to and have continued to, talk about the prominence and danger of identity politics. For the entire world and country, but more specifically the identity groups it claims to be helping. As a Black man I understand this well, it is the case, the Black identity and Jewish identity are used in a very similar fashion. Before I expound on that, it’s important to know I graduated from Hopkins High School, which is one of the most Jewish communities in the state of Minnesota. In fact, I attended orthodox Jewish meals and family gatherings a number of times. Also, my best friend and cohost at Free People Radio, Professor Penn, is a Ukrainian Jew who comes from orthodox Jewish roots. None of that is really pertinent other than to say, people like he and I are allowed to have our own ideas about our cultural identity and history. We share those ideas, often expressed in the form of podcast. In that arena, we have come to recognize that both of our identities have been used to justify bigger government at the national and international level. The Black identity is often used to expand the federal government of the United States under the threat of racism, the Jewish identity used to expand global government under the threat of fascism. Both are equally problematic and offensive. Everyone who believes in having a country or border is not a threat to Blacks and Jews. Actually, it is that exact mentality and worldview which now presents extensive dangers for both Blacks and Jews. For Blacks, our communities are riddled with all sorts of societal decay, that is usually pacified and look over because of the racial narrative. A narrative around our community and even taught to our community. It is actually the same expanded government, justified by the Black identity, that is the cause of decline in our Black community. Similarly, the threats that Israel and Jews face is a result of foreign policy that somehow claims to desire protecting Israel yet for globalist purposes, gives money and other resources to all of Israel’s neighboring enemies. Chief amongst them now, Iran, a country whose position we’ve seen now with great clarity. Yet over the years we have made no attempt to curtail our trade with China, knowing the money we spend there will sure end up on the hands of a hostile Iranian regime through their energy trade. 

As an America 1st candidate, it is my position that NO COUNTRY get our aid without conditions, that means no country. The 1st condition I would like to implement in our relationship with Israel is stop giving all of their enemies our money. Being on every side of a war makes it difficult to determine your friends from foes, especially for citizens who can only be told what is going on, from a world away (here at home). If middle eastern country want to tell death to America, they have that right! We have a right to view them as an enemy and fight anyway we see fit as surely they will. We will stand with Israel, but we cannot fund both side of that war, or any war for that matter. Veiw Full Story An Open Letter to the JCRC, the RJC, and Jewish Americans Living in Minnesota, by David Penn

Trump Endorsement:

I am not Trump endorsed but would love to be and will support his bid regardless in 2024. I am endorsed by 2 candidates that are endorsed by Trump, Kari Lake and Matt Gaetz. We look forward to being a tip of the spear for the MAGA movement and will obviously accept Trump’s endorsement with open arms if and when that time comes. 

Summary: The People Are Coming! 

I wrote these answers myself, to add clarity to a number of outstanding questions and attempts by the media to stifle this America 1st movement and it’s candidates. There is no team of PR people or communications experts to look over and curate what I say… This is something I pride myself on in my public speaking, writing and will be a hallmark of my time in office. Although I hesitate to even acknowledge some of these absurd allegations and misleading stories, I do understand we are living in an information war. As an elected official, I must be a vessel that communicates the truth. I hope this helps and feel free to reach out to the campaign for even more information or further clarification on these issues.