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An Open Letter to the JCRC, the RJC, and Jewish Americans Living in Minnesota

An Open Letter to the JCRC, the RJC, and Jewish Americans Living in Minnesota

By David Penn
Published: July, 26 2024

The recent condemnation of Royce White, candidate for U.S. Senate as “antisemitic” is unjust.
I am an American, Jewish, and born in St. Paul MN.
My family is well-known.
My father devoted his academic life to combatting racism and antisemitism as a professor at the University of Minnesota; but never would he have condemned an American citizen as “antisemitic” unjustly.
I call upon the JCRC and the RJC to reverse this injustice.
Never once did any member of these organizations ever meet with Mr. White or any member of his campaign to discuss these allegations.
Had they done so, they would have learned that Mr. White is a supporter of Israel, for Mr. White understands that the enemies of Israel are also the self-proclaimed enemies of the United States.
Why have these false allegations been leveled against Mr. White?
Royce White’s candidacy focuses on three issues: 1) restoring the borders of America; 2) balancing the budget and paying down the U.S. Federal Debt; and 3) ending the “forever wars”.
It is his stance of ending the “forever wars” that has brought this unjust condemnation upon Mr. White.
Although Mr. White has repeatedly and publicly separated his support for Israel, from the other military involvements our country is embroiled in (Ukraine, South China Sea, Syria, etc.) and which he does NOT support, his political opponents have gone so far to make these unjust allegations so that these terrible military miscalculations are not politically opposed.
Mr. White’s opponent is the source of these allegations and he is a 26 year military veteran who has proclaimed that the war in the Ukraine deserves support and if “Russians are being killed he is all for it”.
As an American Jew, I cannot be accused of being antisemitic.
I oppose wars I believe are unjust.
As a Jew, and a student of Torah, I believe in the “path of peace” and that wars of discretion are for profit and must be opposed.
My parents opposed the Vietnam War in the 1960’s for this same reason, and the leaders of that anti-war movement included many Jewish Americans.
Are we so afraid that we cannot distinguish between supporting Israel and every other war for profit that our military and political leadership deem “just”?
Are we become so fearful that any criticism is met with the unjust allegation of antisemitism?
Our community is in real peril now.
False allegations of antisemitism do not increase my safety; but rather, increase the real danger that I and all of us face.
But most importantly, as a Jew, I seek truth and peace.
I am heartbroken by these accusations because I know Royce White and I am certain these allegations are false and are politically motivated.
Royce enjoys the support of many in our community, for they have taken the time to get to know him.
Please accept my invitation for dialogue, because when you do, you will discover a man of faith whose work in the Senate will include defense the Jewish people.

David Penn
American Citizen, Jewish, and antiwar.